Smart Home by Dovit: Tailor-made project for the security of shutters

Portrait de notre directeur technique Jean-François
Dovit is a complete and flexible Smart Home solution that can be adapted to all needs and offers you tailor-made solutions. Within the framework of the Cloche d'Or project in Luxembourg, we have developed a personalized weather device for the security of the blinds of the 2 « Zenith » residential towers. Jean-François Rouwette, Technical and Projects Director at DOVIT tells us about this project :

Few words about the Cloche d’Or project: The Cloche d’Or in Luxembourg is a new mixed urban district, where some 30,000 people will live, work and study in the near future. The designers of this project have taken care to develop and think in this global approach, with absolute priority given to the quality of community life and comfort of living while adopting a strict philosophy of sustainable development. The Cloche d’Or district is committed to guaranteeing a comfortable and secure environment for all its inhabitants.We equip with our Smart Home technology the 160000 m² of residential areas including the Zenith towers, a project for which we have developed a personalized Smart Home solution linked to weather management!

Can you describe in a few words the Ilot C project?

Jean-François: “The project of the “Îlot C at the Cloche d’or” concerns the construction of a mixed-use building containing an underground car park, a shopping centre spread over 3 levels and two towers of residential housing “Zenith 21 and 23”.

These two towers will have a residential total surface area of 25,000m2 and will culminate at a height of 60m. All these flats will be equipped with our DOVIT home automation technology.”

What was the promoter’s request concerning this “weather” development?

Jean-François: “The promoter’s wanted to secure the sun protection blinds in case of strong winds.
All the dwellings in these towers are equipped with motorised blinds, with a standard wind resistance of about 80km/h wind. However, when the layout and height of the towers are taken into account, it can be seen that the passage between these 2 towers can create a corridor wind, also known as “the Venturi effect”. This means that even in normal or average wind conditions, the wind speed between these towers can be 2 to 3 times higher than normal and therefore cause the blinds to be pulled out.  The aim was therefore to set up an automated safety system so that the blinds open automatically in case of risk.”

Which technical installation was proposed by DOVIT?

Jean-François: “Our flexible Smart Home system allowed us to propose a complete customized solution in line with the needs of the project and the client.
Weather stations were installed on each of the facades of the 2 towers and 1 in the middle of these 2 towers, i.e. 9 stations in total. Each weather station controls its own facade, and the one in the middle controls the 2 facades opposite each other. The weather stations are connected to their own server but also to the home automation servers of each apartment.”

How was the project developed?

Jean-François: “We set up a secure network for the management of wind data. This involved the development of custom software for monitoring communication between the weather stations, the weather server and the apartment servers, enabling the reception and management of 250 simultaneous notifications.”
This software allows the management of the following events
•    Wind speed too high: opening of the blinds and keeping them in their positions + display on the user interface.
•    Loss of connection of a weather centre: one opening of blinds per event + sending of a message via Telegram to maintenance.
•    Loss of connection to the weather server: one awning opening per event + message sent to maintenance via Telegram.
•    Loss of connection to an apartment: a message is sent via Telegram to maintenance when the connection is lost and when the connection is re-established. For example when a resident cuts the power to his apartment when he goes on holiday.”

“This software also allows individual management per facade according to the weather centre set in alarm. In order to avoid a peak in consumption intensity, we have provided for the opening of the blinds to take place in a sequenced manner.”


  • 1 custom Do.Control server
  • 1 pre-configured firewall router
  • 9 weather stations
  • 1 supervision software
  • Cloud software configuration for sending alarm messages via Telegram
  • Software for configuring alarms according to wind conditions and network monitoring

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