Smart Home Dovit solution and temperature control, what are the advantages?

Gérer une maison avec l'application Smart Home DO.App
The purpose of smart home is to increase the living comfort of the residents. But what are the advantages of temperature management with a Smart Home solution?

A home automation system makes it possible to keep control of the temperature in each room of the house, according to the habits and needs of the users. For example, the temperature could be adjusted according to the season, the outside temperature or even the degree of brightness. Home automation makes it possible to maintain a remarkable level of comfort in the home. No matter the season or the outside temperature, the system takes care of everything!
Dovit’s professional home automation infrastructure and its product ecosystem makes it possible to design connected projects including, of course, the management of heating, air conditioning, ventilation and more!

The ideal temperature, managed at all times

With just a few clicks, from the wall screen, the mobile application (in the home and remotely) or the touch thermostats, the ideal temperature can be easily managed and programmed.
From the menu, the user will be able to switch from heating mode to cooling mode (summer/winter function).
In case of high heat and if the dwelling is configured with several temperature zones, it is possible to target the room that needs to be cooled urgently, such as the bedroom before bedtime, or the kitchen at dinnertime.
Note: the temperature management can be done manually but it is also programmable.
The desired temperature can be planned according to a schedule, a weekly or monthly repetition, etc.
In all simplicity!

Humidity control (dehumidification and humidification)

Did you know that the ideal relative humidity for health and comfort is between 40-60%? Breathing dry air makes it more difficult for oxygen to be supplied and transferred into the bloodstream, which can cause fatigue or stress.
The installation of a humidifier and its control is a function that it may be interesting to plan for when designing a home.
The Dovit system makes it possible to measure the humidity in a room using a hygrostat available on some versions of our thermostats or with the installation of humidity sensors. It will then be possible to control the humidifier / dehumidifier installed in the dwelling in the same way that a thermostat controls a heating unit or an air conditioner.

Transparency on the energy consumption side

Our solution has the advantage of being transparent in terms of energy consumption.
Our DO.Energy product range is dedicated to energy monitoring, consumption analysis and energy saving plans.
This function offers the possibility to record and graphically represent all the points managed by the system and thus have a precise view of electricity, gas and water consumption.
Thanks to the dashboard accessible from the interface, a daily, weekly or monthly summary of the consumption of the dwelling can be accessed (via data or graphs). This history is useful from one year to the next to make an internal comparison and to closely monitor the activity related to the heating/cooling of the dwelling!

The creation of scenarios

Thanks to DOVIT, it is possible to program a scenario for each specific need. The aim is to avoid unnecessary heat loss, increase comfort and reduce the risk of forgetting (air conditioning not stopped when leaving for work, for example).
Some examples of useful scenarios: waking up, leaving home, returning home, night and holidays.
The motorization of shutters and blinds can also be associated with these “temperature management” scenarios. Indeed, the resident will be able to program the shutters to close according to the outside temperature. As soon as it reaches a threshold that you will have defined, the shutters close in order to conserve heat in the dwelling and avoid heat loss.

All these scenarios can be created directly and quickly by the resident from the Dovit application according to his or her lifestyle!

Our bus, electronic and programmable modules

You can find out more about our bus modules and temperature sensors here:

For more information on the possibilities offered by our solution, or if you have any technical questions about the integration of our solution do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to assist you in the design of your projects!


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