Order and test our KNX range

Discover the quality and innovation of our new KNX range by requesting samples of our products: KNX multi-protocol supervision and integration servers, touch switches, and thermostats. To receive these samples and benefit from in-depth training, please fill out the form below with the required information.

Liste de Prix 2024

Access our complete KNX resources

To deepen your knowledge of our 2024 KNX range and explore in detail the specifics of our products, we provide you with a series of technical documents.

We're here to answer your questions

Fill out the form you find on this page to request samples of our KNX products. We will contact you as soon as possible.

It consists of a 2-hour online training in Italian, English, or French on the use of the Server programming software and the main functions of the switches and thermostats in the Do.Tatto range.

Technical datasheets, manuals, example projects, and EU price lists for a comprehensive evaluation of our products.

Yes, after the training, you’ll have access to our configuration software and unrestricted technical area.

To become a DOVIT partner, fill out the contact form you find at this link https://www.dovit.com/en/professional/wired-home-automation-installer/

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