Smart heating brings comfort to your home
The ideal climate and temperature in your smart home, all the time
Control the temperature of your smart home room by room
Let your heating system learn from your habits and adapt to your daily life
Control your heating and ventilation remotely from the app
Analyse and optimise your energy consumption
A smart heating system to control the temperature of your smart home
For a hot water central heating system or a network of electric radiators, opt for a smart home automation solution that manages the temperature and humidity of each of your rooms, according to your habits and those of your family. For example, the temperature of the area can be managed according to the hours or days of the week, the season, the presence or absence of people in a room, the outside temperature or even the degree of solar radiation. Home automation makes it possible to maintain a remarkable level of comfort in your home. No matter what the season or the outside temperature, the system takes care of everything!
Our Dovit home automation solution and its ecosystem of products allows you to design connected projects for the management of heating, air conditioning, ventilation and humidity.
Do.Tatto, the smart and programmable thermostat
Our Do.Tatto connected thermostats allow you to easily and quickly adjust the temperature of each of your rooms according to your habits.
Dovit thermostats measure the indoor temperature and regulate the operation of your heaters. When the desired temperature is reached, the heating demand is reduced. For example, program the temperature in your bedroom to 21° at night and 18° during the day.
The thermostatic head to control your radiators
Dovit offers you a heating system with thermostatic heads via the Zigbee protocol. You can regulate the flow and adjust the power of your radiators to the desired temperature in your rooms.
An efficient solution that is installed directly on your radiator and takes into account the temperature of the room as well as the free heat input (solar radiation, exposure of the room…). With this system, which is quick to set up, you can easily control your heating.
Keep an eye on all your consumption for energy savings
Controlling your air-conditioning with Dovit is first and foremost a way to save energy! With programming and remote control, your radiators and air conditioners only work when they are really needed.
Our Do.Energy product range is dedicated to energy monitoring, consumption analysis and energy saving plans.
This feature offers the possibility of recording and graphing all the points managed by the system and thus having a precise vision of the electricity, gas and water consumption.
Thanks to the dashboard accessible from the interface, it is possible to follow the weekly or monthly consumption of the home and the evolution of the climatic parameters (via data or graphs). This history is useful from one year to the next to make an internal comparison and to closely monitor the activity related to the heating and cooling of your home!
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